Muscle relaxants are natural, highly purified proteins used to effectively and safely treat wrinkles and unwanted, dynamic movement. They can be carefully placed within certain muscle groups, to temporarily interfere with the nerve-muscle communication system, resulting in safe and effective relaxation.

Their application is wide-ranging, from cosmetic enhancement to therapeutic including helping with hayfever symptoms, excessive sweating, teeth grinding and asymmetry.

Minali offers different brands of muscle relaxants to enable us to deliver a treatment completely customised to your face. The result is a natural-looking, yet enhanced.


Treatment usually starts to work from 48 hours onwards, with maximal effect at approximately two weeks post treatment.

The number of units, site and depth of placement of product is determined by several factors, including previous response, muscle strength, metabolic rate and personal medical history.

We encourage a brief, post-treatment review appointment at approximately two weeks. This is important for us to ensure your results are as perfect as we can make them, make a record of their effect or adjust accordingly for future therapies.

Our more common treatment areas are forehead lines, frown lines and crowns feet. However, we also successfully treat many other areas including the next and lower face.