“The people who make the biggest difference are those who do the little things consistently”


We always aim to preserve your authentic self and movement. Your expressions reflect your personality and are one of your most attractive features. We say embrace them. 
 Our aesthetic results strive for an even more amazing you. But you are still you.


Minali delivers professional. Every time. We bring our years of clinical experience from the hospital environment to the aesthetic space. Our clinical standards are set high and we seek to raise the bar in the aesthetic space. 
We are driven by honest, patient-centred care. Negotiating the minefield of aesthetic options and offering our clients solutions that work. 
We also understand it is sometimes the small things that can make the biggest difference to our client experience. For those who may be needle phobic - we will offer you techniques to support you; those requiring extra analgesia - we offer you nerve blocks when possible; those juggling family - we flexibility and understanding.  
Please let us know how we can make this the kindest journey for you. 

we do ultrasound

Ultrasonography is an important aide in facial aesthetic procedures, currently offered by very few clinics within Australia, but likely to be the standard of the future.  This examination allows for precise planning, vascular mapping, assessment of tissue layers and can enable needle guidance for fillers. This additional knowledge allows us to offer an extra layer of safety and reassurance.
At Minali, we offer dissolving services for facial fillers. Occasionally this is time critical. For others it may be to "wipe the slate clean" and start again. We can utilise ultrasound to guide reversal therapy, ultimately using much less volume, reducing potential side effects and improving accuracy. We accept referrals for our dissolving assessment and ultrasound services. 
Call Emma on 0419596304 for any dissolving requirements.

we do MEN

Minali is all for the male aesthetic. We are passionate about constantly learning and perfecting our techniques to naturally enhance the male face. 
The approach to male aesthetics differs from that of females. Minali respects that. In general, men have a squarer face, a more angled and larger jaw, equally balanced upper and lower facial proportions. Muscle mass, subcutaneous tissue, and blood vessel density are also increased in men relative to women. Our approach, assessment, and treatment parameters are often different to respect this.