Intravenous solutions offered at Minali are aimed to deliver optimal hydration. We acknowledge that intravenous within the clinic setting are not needed, nor necessary. However, most of us are unable to meet the recommended daily pure water intake for our bodies to function optimally. Depending on age, weight, activity levels and general health, this daily recommdation may be 3 litres or more.

They are an amazing and effective means of restoring cellular hydration, which often helps you to feel more energised, re-establish clarity of mind, restfulness as well as primed for physical performance or active recovery.

Amazing for sports preparation, recovery, reduce the risk of muscle cramps, a regular therapy or even a hangover cure.

At Minali, we do not subscribe to any therapy we cannot explain through pharmacological or physiological means. To this end, we only offer therapies we know work and evidence based. To this end, we do not currently offer vitamin solution additions, nor other compounded medicines within the solutions.

We also provide the option of noise cancelling headphones, music of your choice, massaging eyewear or blindfolds, a reclining chair, leg compression recovery boots and complimentary drinks as you recveive your IV hydration therapy.